
Mike Lavelle is a successful entrepreneur and investor who has built a net worth of $12 million. He’s known for his keen ability to identify and invest in profitable opportunities. Mike’s journey to success was not a bed of roses, but with time, he discovered some core principles which made him successful. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how Mike Lavelle built his fortune and share his success secrets.

1. Start small, but dream big

Mike Lavelle started his career as a salesman, selling anything he could get his hands on, from men’s suits to office supplies. He didn’t have a lot of money to invest, but he had a big dream. He knew he wanted to become financially independent and set goals for himself. He took every opportunity to learn about business and investing, and slowly but surely, started building his own wealth.

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2. Develop a clear vision

One of the main reasons for Mike’s success was his ability to develop a clear vision for his investments. He studied industries, analyzed market trends and identified areas with potential for growth. He then developed a strategy for investing in these opportunities, which helped him to achieve his financial goals.

3. Invest in yourself

Mike Lavelle recognized the importance of investing in himself to grow his net worth. He attended seminars, read books, and took courses to learn about different industries, investing strategies and financial management. By investing in his education and personal development, he built a strong foundation that helped him make sound investment decisions.

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4. Focus on long-term goals

Mike Lavelle focused on long-term goals instead of short-term gains. This meant that he was willing to invest in opportunities that would take time to mature, but had the potential for significant returns. His patience and ability to withstand short-term losses allowed him to accumulate wealth over time.

5. Be disciplined

Mike Lavelle was disciplined in his approach to investing. He created a set of investing principles that he adhered to, which helped him stay focused and avoid impulsive decisions. He also had a budget and stuck to it, which allowed him to save money, avoid debt, and invest in profitable opportunities.

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6. Build a team

Mike Lavelle surrounded himself with knowledgeable and experienced professionals who complemented his skills and strengths. He hired lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors who helped him make smart investment decisions. He also consulted with mentors and industry experts who provided him with valuable insight into the market and industries.

7. Diversify your investments

Mike Lavelle diversified his investments across different industries and asset classes. This helped him to minimize his risks and increase his chances of success. He invested in stocks, real estate, and startups, among others, which allowed him to capitalize on different opportunities and benefit from growth in various sectors.

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Q1. What was Mike Lavelle’s initial investment?
Mike Lavelle started with a small investment of $5,000, which he used to purchase stocks.

A1. Mike Lavelle’s initial investment was $5,000.

Q2. How did Mike Lavelle develop his investment strategy?
Mike Lavelle developed his investment strategy by studying industries, analyzing market trends, and identifying areas with potential for growth.

A2. Mike Lavelle developed his investment strategy by studying industries, analyzing market trends, and identifying areas with potential for growth.

Q3. What industries did Mike Lavelle invest in?
Mike Lavelle invested in various industries, including real estate, stocks, startups, and office supplies.

A3. Mike Lavelle invested in various industries, including real estate, stocks, startups, and office supplies.

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Q4. How did Mike Lavelle stay disciplined in his approach to investing?
Mike Lavelle stayed disciplined by creating a set of investing principles that he adhered to, which helped him avoid impulsive decisions.

A4. Mike Lavelle stayed disciplined by creating a set of investing principles that he adhered to, which helped him avoid impulsive decisions.

Q5. Did Mike Lavelle hire professionals to help him with his investments?
Yes, Mike Lavelle hired lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors to help him make smart investment decisions.

A5. Yes, Mike Lavelle hired lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors to help him make smart investment decisions.

Q6. What was Mike Lavelle’s long-term strategy for investing?
Mike Lavelle focused on long-term goals and was willing to invest in opportunities that would take time to mature but had the potential for significant returns.

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A6. Mike Lavelle focused on long-term goals and was willing to invest in opportunities that would take time to mature but had the potential for significant returns.

Q7. How did Mike Lavelle diversify his investments?
Mike Lavelle diversified his investments across different industries and asset classes, such as stocks, real estate, and startups.

A7. Mike Lavelle diversified his investments across different industries and asset classes, such as stocks, real estate, and startups.


Mike Lavelle’s success story proves that with the right attitude, strategy and determination, anyone can achieve financial freedom. He started small, focused on long-term goals, developed a clear vision, invested in himself, and diversified his investments across different industries and asset classes. His disciplined approach, combined with the support of a knowledgeable team, helped him to build a net worth of $12 million. If you’re looking for success in investing, these principles can be a good starting point. Begin by investing in yourself, developing a clear vision, and seeking out opportunities for growth. The sky’s the limit.

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